Albert Einstein's Archives
Albert Einstein was a founder of The Hebrew University and one of its most loyal supporters. In his will he bequeathed all of his writings and intellectual heritage to The Hebrew University, including the rights to the use of his image.
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem launched on 2012 the updated and expanded Einstein Archives website, at, containing a complete catalog of more than 80,000 documents in the University’s Einstein Archives. This includes more than 40,000 documents contained in Albert Einstein’s personal papers and over 30,000 additional Einstein and Einstein-related documents discovered, since the 1980s, by the Einstein Archives staff and the editors of The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein.
The launch was simultaneously marked at Princeton University Press (PUP) and the Einstein Papers Project (EPP) at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), which have collaborated with The Hebrew University in a long-term project to publish The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein—one of the most ambitious publishing ventures ever undertaken in the documentation of the history of science. Thanks to these two institutions’ ongoing participation, the enhanced website makes it possible to link each document to its printed and annotated version as it appears in the "Collected Papers," and to its English translation, (since most of Einstein’s papers were originally written in German).
The website’s launch was simultaneously marked by The Hebrew University's Friends organizations and Israeli embassies around the world.
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