Thank you for supporting the Swiss Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem's mission.
Your generous support helps ensure that HUJ continues to be Israel's foremost institution of academic excellence and research.
Your donation can be to a single project, to a student, or to an entire faculty; you could see your name, or the name of a loved one, inscribed on the Hebrew University campus. Whatever your level of donation, we can work with you to find a suitable destination.
The Swiss Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem association is a non-profit organization: tax deductibility applies to every donation.
You may wish to make a donation by wire transfer on our postal account: IBAN CH78 0900 0000 121 9813 5 / BIC POFICHBEXXX.
If you have any queries regarding this subject, please contact our office.
If you have any question about donating, please don't hesitate to contact us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at +41 (0)22 732 25 67