You can leave the world a better place…
A gift realized in your Will has a lasting effect. You'll join the family of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and you'll become part of its heritage forever.
The European Friends of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem are changing the face of legacy giving in Europe. Many charities only hear about a legacy gift from the representatives of donor's estate after they have passed away. We encourage donors to let us know of their intention to leave a legacy during their lifetime. This way, we can honor you in your lifetime and you will see your gift become a reality.
A legacy is simply a gift made under a Will. It comes into effect only after your lifetime. You can change the Will at any time during your life to reflect your changing priorities.
There are 3 types of legacy:
Pecuniary - a sum of money
Specific - property, shares, jewelry, works of art or other items
Residual - the balance of your estate in whole or part after satisfying other legacies and expenses
Living Legacies can support any aspect of work at the University.
For more information on legacy giving, call Déborah Benattar on +33(0)1 47 55 65 83 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.